The Happiness Puzzle

A few years ago, I took a “time out” from my life as it had been, and I spent 3 months in Los Angeles practicing yoga and immersing myself in the culture of personal growth. What I began to realize, as I attended lectures and consulted spiritual guides, was that the real treasure was oftentimes…

Toleration Eradication

As the New Year begins and we craft our strategies for making 2018 a fantastic year, I wanted to share this “Tip” with you. Years ago, I checked out a book called “Coach Yourself to Success” by Talane Miedaner from the  Darien Library. I don’t recall whether or not I finished the book, but Talane’s…

Future me and the Cookie Jar

I am always looking for strategies to motivate myself to eat well and exercise. A few weeks ago, I came up with an “angel on my shoulder” type idea which has been very interesting to explore. First, I visualize myself in 10 years. The future me in this scenario has achieved all the goals of…

Lemon Water

January 1st, 2017. A new chapter. First words on the page, lemon water. lemon water: supports the immune system, balances PH Levels, aids digestion, helps with weight loss, clears skin, increases energy AND freshens your breath This year begins, as most do, with an effort to conjure up and carry forth the very best version…